The interview of the mediator Dana Barbu regarding the book “It’s Time For Mediation” for Conoscere TV is out. Check it here:
Starting from January 2024, the book “It’s Time for Mediation” has considerably increased its availability thanks to the Publishing House EUROPEBOOKS which took it over and published it in English. Thus, from 2024 the book of mediator Dana Barbu can not only
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After more than two years of work, mediator Dana Barbu’s book – “It’s time for mediation” – was published by Integral publishing house. It can be found in bookstores or ordered here: With the aim of intensifying relational literacy, the book
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We are pleased to announce the acceptance of mediator Dana Barbu as a mentor on the She is Mom platform! Because what I have learned I don’t want to keep just for myself and I want to share it with others, because
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We are entering the “golden age of mediation”, according to Singapore’s Chief Justice. Georgia is the ninth country to ratify, earlier this year, the Singapore Convention on Mediation, which has already drawn 55 signatories. Such developments highlight how international mediation has continued
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New article by Dana Barbu, mediator:
New article signed by the mediator Dana Barbu on which considers methods of implementing mediation in the period after social isolation in some of the countries of the world – USA, Singapore, and India
A new article signed by mediator Dana Barbu on how does mediation help, in the current situation of courts overcrowding, by reaching Agreements quickly and, thus, significantly reducing the time spent in courts:
Problems with the employer? Find out how you can mediate them in a new article by that you can find on Given, this time, the employee’s perspective, mediator Dana Barbu explains how mediation can solve labor disputes. Click to access
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How has the way of mediating been affected and how does the perception of conflict resolution change under the impact of COVID-19? The answers, in a new article signed by the mediator Dana Barbu on