We are in favour for mediation with lawyers!
As a lawyer, you want the best option for your client to get out of a dispute or to prevent a conflict.
In a mediation your work will remain as difficult, perhaps even more complicated than it is in a process, because you will have to constantly inform the client, advise and guide him, most of the time you, being the one that has to support the client’s point of view during mediation but, unlike a process, where, despite the all the hard work you can experience the disappointment of explaining your client that everything was in vain, the judge’s solution being unfavorable to your client, in mediation you have the certainty that your work is not in vain: your client will not leave the mediation without being satisfied with the solution!
From a process your client can get out victorious, but, just as well, he can get out defeated too! From a mediation your client will always be satisfied!
Our mediator is a law graduate at the University of Bucharest, while also attending courses with professors from Sorbonne. She knows the letter of the law, but, coming with a different perspective from outside the lawyers zone, she offers a real support in finding fresh, innovative ways, always centered on the client’s needs to implement its spirit.
We understand the work of the lawyer and we know to provide the right framework for it to bring lawyer’s contentment and client’s satisfaction.
We speak the same language and you offer you the adequate space, time and support so that your work can be understood by the client and bing concrete results.
Although mediation can be done without the presence of lawyers, because we work in the interests of our clients, we always suggest that they be accompanied by lawyers in mediation. The lawyer understands the reality of the facts very well and can expose to the client what a good agreement is related to the conflict situation. The lawyer knows how much it could be obtained if the decision was left in the hands of a third party – the judge- and can advise the client realistically, often, despite the client’s personal emotions, and, at the same time, the lawyer understands the collateral losses of time, money and nervous consumption that a process would bring to the client.
We work with lawyers and we are open anytime to new collaborations. We consider that mediation and advocacy are two professions that combined can only increase client satisfaction!